Consultants provide on-going advice, counsel, and planning services for businesses.  We will help your business become more efficient and more profitable through our efforts.

We can manage certain aspects of your business while you focus and concentrate your energies on the daily business of taking care of customers and making money.  Engaging a consultant allows you to be free of concerns which require time and organization and which may pull your concentration in unintended ways.

First, a consultant should accurately assess the basis of the problem or the exposure to potential problems.  Then, design and implement effective solutions.  When should you use one?

  1. When you don’t know exactly what to do or how to do it.
  2. When you need an outside appraisal of your business and the way it operates.
  3. When you need a special talent or desire an exceptionally high level of competence.
  4. When you want to review and to resolve a special problem.
  5. When you are looking for new ideas or a fresh approach.
  6. When representation by an outside party can bring a concern to a swift conclusion.


  1. Consultants give you extra staff without permanent obligations.
  2. Consultants can work at a high level of intensity.  Productivity per hour or per job is substantially above that of a company employee.
  3. You pay only for the time you use the consultant.
  4. Consultants see situations which go unnoticed by your regular staff.
  5. Consultants can upgrade the training and experience of your staff.
  6. A consultant is continually oriented toward producing results as they want more of your business.

That’s what I think.  I’m opinionated, but open-minded.  Your thoughts?


Tom Kline is a consultant helping dealers with their compliance, risk mitigation strategies, and dispute resolution. He works out of his office in Norfolk, Virginia and can be reached at